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Cosmin Software

Globex - Currency Exchanger

  • Convert amounts of money from a country's currency into another country's currency.
  • Find out the price in your local currency before ordering something online.
  • Facilitates shopping around and price comparisons between online stores that use different currencies.

  • The latest currency exchange rates can be updated automatically from the Internet at the user's request.
  • The user can override those exchange rates with his own custom exchange rates.
  • Includes all the world's currencies (over 160).
  • The Pro flavor allows you to filter out (eg. hide) unwanted currencies using the Currency Filter tool.

Easily exchange an amount of money from one currency into another:

Update the currency exchange rates from the web automatically:

You can set exchange rates using the Set Exchange Rates dialogs:

You can set the Base Currency, and other Currency Exchanger related options with this dialog:

The base currency is the one used to set all other currencies in "Set Exchange Rates" dialogs.

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